In mathematics, the Chern–Weil homomorphism is a basic construction in the Chern–Weil theory that computes topological invariants of vector bundles and principal bundles on a smooth manifold ''M'' in terms of connections and curvature representing classes in the de Rham cohomology rings of ''M''. That is, the theory forms a bridge between the areas of algebraic topology and differential geometry. It was developed in the late 1940s by Shiing-Shen Chern and André Weil, in the wake of proofs of the generalized Gauss–Bonnet theorem. This theory was an important step in the theory of characteristic classes. Let ''G'' be a real or complex Lie group with Lie algebra ; and let denote the algebra of -valued polynomials on (exactly the same argument works if we used instead of .) Let be the subalgebra of fixed points in under the adjoint action of ''G''; that is, it consists of all polynomials ''f'' such that for any ''g'' in ''G'' and ''x'' in , The Chern–Weil homomorphism is a homomorphism of -algebras : *(M,\mathbb C) where on the right cohomology is de Rham cohomology. Such a homomorphism exists and is uniquely defined for every principal G-bundle ''P'' on ''M''. If ''G'' is compact, then under the homomorphism, the cohomology ring of the classifying space for ''G''-bundles ''BG'' is isomorphic to the algebra of invariant polynomials: : *(BG, \mathbb) \cong \mathbb C(g )^. (The cohomology ring of ''BG'' can still be given in the de Rham sense: : when and are manifolds.) For non-compact groups like SL(''n'',R), there may be cohomology classes that are not represented by invariant polynomials. ==Definition of the homomorphism== Choose any connection form ω in ''P'', and let Ω be the associated curvature 2-form; i.e., Ω = ''D''ω, the exterior covariant derivative of ω. If is a homogeneous polynomial function of degree ''k''; i.e., for any complex number ''a'' and ''x'' in , then, viewing ''f'' as a symmetric multilinear functional on (see the ring of polynomial functions), let : be the (scalar-valued) 2''k''-form on ''P'' given by : where ''v''''i'' are tangent vectors to ''P'', is the sign of the permutation in the symmetric group on 2''k'' numbers (see Lie algebra-valued forms#Operations as well as Pfaffian). If, moreover, ''f'' is invariant; i.e., , then one can show that is a closed form, it descends to a unique form on ''M'' and that the de Rham cohomology class of the form is independent of ''ω''. First, that is a closed form follows from the next two lemmas: :Lemma 1: The form on ''P'' descends to a (unique) form on ''M''; i.e., there is a form on ''M'' that pulls-back to . :Lemma 2: If a form φ on ''P'' descends to a form on ''M'', then dφ = Dφ. Indeed, Bianchi's second identity says and, since ''D'' is a graded derivation, Finally, Lemma 1 says satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 2. To see Lemma 2, let be the projection and ''h'' be the projection of onto the horizontal subspace. Then Lemma 2 is a consequence of the fact that (the kernel of is precisely the vertical subspace.) As for Lemma 1, first note : which is because * \Omega = \operatorname_(\Omega) by the formula: : where are any lifts of : . Next, we show that the de Rham cohomology class of on ''M'' is independent of a choice of connection.〔The argument for the independent of a choice of connection here is taken from: Akhil Mathew, Notes on Kodaira vanishing (). Kobayashi-Nomizu, the main reference, gives a more concrete argument.〕 Let be arbitrary connection forms on ''P'' and let be the projection. Put : * \omega_1 + (1 - t) \, p^ * \omega_0 where ''t'' is a smooth function on given by . Let be the curvature forms of . Let be the inclusions. Then is homotopic to . Thus, * \overline(\Omega') and * \overline(\Omega') belong to the same de Rham cohomology class by the homotopy invariance of de Rham cohomology. Finally, by naturality and by uniqueness of descending, : * \overline(\Omega') = \overline(\Omega_0) and the same for . Hence, belong to the same cohomology class. The construction thus gives the linear map: (cf. Lemma 1) : In fact, one can check that the map thus obtained: : *(M,\mathbb C) is an algebra homomorphism. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Chern–Weil homomorphism」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク